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Viola-Dan i Noc- Lat:wittrockiana-MG12345

Viola Wittrockiana seeds Silver-browed violet are silver-white with purple-blue spots, the white later turns to blue. Zilverbride is a beautiful large-flowered violin. The flowers of the violets are edible.

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Viola-Dan i Noc- Lat:wittrockiana-MG12345

Viola tricolor - emperor's eye, day and night

Day and night is a biennial garden plant that is among the most favorite garden flowers because of its beauty and long flowering. The most common combination is yellow and purple-blue flowers. On one plant, there are always many relatively large flowers in relation to the size of the plant, which grow up to thirty centimeters.

There are also hanging types that have been very popular in recent years due to their extremely decorative appearance. They are especially beautiful when placed in hanging baskets, because then they look lush.

This favorite garden plant prefers partial shade, but sunny positions suit it too. It can be planted in beds, next to paths, but also in planters. In relation to when it is planted, then it will bloom. If planted in autumn and winter, which is the best, beautiful, lush flowers appear in spring. But it can also be planted in the spring and will bloom well into the fall.

It belongs to the flowers of modest requirements. It is watered regularly and does not require feeding.

It should be emphasized that it is one of the few plants that tolerates low temperatures well

What is pansy tricolor good for?

Tricolored Violet 

It can be used against many forms of eczema, including mountain, diaper and infant eczema. It works wonders on troubled skin. From blackheads, pimples and boils to herpes, hives, psoriasis and itchy and flaky skin conditions.

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